Polynesian Food

Duruka is a vegetable cane that looks like baby corn and has a natural sweetness of sweet corn. The plant and the leaves look like corn and sugar cane plants. The unopened flower heads of Saccharum edule are gathered and used as a vegetable in Fiji and Polynesian islands, it's eaten either raw or...

Fish Suruwa is a Fijian Fish Curry that comes together easily with a handful of ingredients and a few spices for a quick and flavorful meal. This Fish Suruwa from Fiji is perfect for curry dish with seafood ingredients, especially the white fish. The dish is served often with steamed white rice or...

Rourou is a Fijian dish made from dalo or taro leaves. The leaves are cooked or stewed in coconut milk. It is served liked a soup often as a side to a fish main or mixed with chicken. Rourou with less sauce cooked is like a vegetable stew side dish. Dalo or Taro leaves and is similar to spinach. It...

Lovo or Umu is a traditional Fijian meal cooked in an underground oven, similar to New Zealand’s hangi. The lovo pit is prepared by digging a hole in the ground and heating special stones on the bottom layer. These heated stones will be what helps cook the meal. Meats such as chicken and fish are...

Kokoda, pronounced koh-kon-da, is a Fijian version of the raw fish dish, ceviche. Kokoda is made with fresh fish soaked in lemon or lime juice, which ‘cooks’ the fish. Spring onions, red onion, chillies, capsicum and tomatoes are regular additions, with the combination then soaked in coconut milk...

Faiai Eleni is essentially fish in coconut cream. The dish is popular in Samoa and Tahiti. Traditionally, people use mackerel to prepare this famous main-course and typically cook it in coconut shells. They also add cucumbers, onions, and tomatoes to the already flavorful dish, apart from the new...