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Tapado Olanchano

Tapado Olanchano

Located in the northeastern part of the country, Olancho is a department with friendly and helpful people, rich in history, culture, and gastronomy. And a special dish, the famous Olanchano tapado

Many people think that this tapado is soup, but it is not, rather it is a dry food. The ingredients of dish specail dish are plentiful. It is a mixture of salty meat, rib and Creole chorizo. In addition to a great variety of root vegetables  such as: ripe banana, green banana, yucca, coconut, sweet potato, carrot, potato

The procedure to prepare the delicious tapado is a work of art by Honduran hands. Some say that the Olanchano tapa came from the invention of a housewife trying to make different food dishes and this is how this dish was born, which has become a tradition that continues and has become internationally famous.

And what better way to savor it than in the place where it is best prepared: Olancho.