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Stefani pecenka

Stefani pecenka

Štefani pečenka is a meat loaf with hard boiled eggs, that is very easy to make. It is a classical in the Slovenian households because it’s so simple to make and especially welcomed during certain holidays (e.g. Easter Holidays).

For the dish, ground meat that has been combined with other ingredients and formed into the shape of a loaf, then baked or smoked. The final shape is either hand-formed on a baking tray, or pan-formed by cooking it in a loaf pan.

The cooked meatloaf can be sliced like a loaf of bread to make individual portions. It can easily become dry, therefore various techniques exist to keep the dish moist, like mixing in bread crumbs and egg, covering it with sauce, wrapping it, or using moisture-enhancing ingredients in the mixture, such as filling it with fatty meats, rich cheeses, or vegetables.