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Meat Piroshki is a classic dish in the Russian cuisine. The individual-sized mini buns (pies) using the best homemade piroshki dough are filled with seasoned meat and so delicious.

Pirozhki can vary in shapes and sizes. The Russian piroshki buns are similar to American pies. They are mostly served as a main course but often paired with a light soup or easy side salad.

A typical pirozhok is boat- or rarely crescent-shaped, made of yeast-leavened dough, with filling completely enclosed. Similar Russian pastries (pirogs) of other shapes include coulibiac, kalitka, rasstegai, and vatrushka.

Pirozhki are either fried or baked. They come in sweet or savory varieties. Common savory fillings include ground meat, mashed potato, mushrooms, boiled egg with scallions, or cabbage. Typical sweet fillings are fruit (apple, cherry, apricot, lemon), jam, or quark.

Baked pirozhki may be glazed with egg to produce golden color. Also they may be decorated with strips of dough.

Pirozhki are usually hand-sized. A smaller version may be served with soups.