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Ukrainian Cabbage Soup is a delicious soup loaded primarily with cabbage. It is known as 'Kapusniak' in Ukranian and is loaded with many different types of vegetables. Many different Slavic groups cross-used recipes but Kapusniak is definitely Polish in origin.

Cabbage soup is popular in Russian, Polish, Slovak and Ukrainian cuisine. It is known as kapuśniak or kwaśnica in Polish, kapustnica in Slovak, and капусняк (kapusniak) in Ukrainian. It is also found in Czech (zelňačka or zelná polévka), German (Kohlsuppe or Krautsuppe), French (soupe aux choux) cuisine, Finnish (kaalikeitto) and Swedish (kålsoppa) cuisine.

The Swedish cabbage soup is usually made from white cabbage, which is browned before being boiled, and seasoned with generous amounts of allspice and sometimes served with boiled meatballs.[citation needed]

A variety of the soup called shchi (Russian: щи) is a national dish of Russia. While commonly it is made of cabbages, dishes of the same name may be based on dock, spinach or nettle. The sauerkraut soup is called "sour shchi", as opposed to "fresh cabbage shchi".

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