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Garlic pork

Garlic pork

British Guyanese Garlic pork is best described as pickled pork that’s traditionally served as part of a breakfast on Christmas.  It is seasoned with lots of garlic, thyme and hot pepper and placed in vinegar which give it an intense flavor.  It is then left to pickle, some make it weeks ahead but it can be ready as soon as four days.  You can use any cut of pork, though I would recommend to use something with a little bit of fat such as pork shoulder. 

Guyanese Garlic Pork has Portuguese origins brought to Guyana by the Portuguese who came from the island of Madeira as indentured workers. It is very similar to the Madeiran Carne Vinha D’Alhos and while people don’t put wine in this  garlic pork dish, the method of pickling for the pork for 4 days then cooking is very similar to this Portuguese dish. The garlic Pork is a Guyanese Christmas tradition and the dish is served along with Pepperpot  and plait bread.