Cơm Tấm
The dish Cơm tấm of Vietnamese cuisine usually varies in more toppings.
Cooked rice and meat are usually served with, cucumber slices, mixed pickled vegetables, along with chinese sausage, steamed egg meatloaf which maybe substituted with an omelet, and grilled . Typically, restaurants will serve this popular combination rice plate with a small bowl of spicy, sweet fish sauce, as well as a small bowl of soup broth with garlic chives.
The Overseas Vietnamese in the USA discovered grilled chicken legs with grilled pork for the rice plate and add shrimp beancurd rolls to the dish. This variant Cơm tấm Tàu hủ ky (cooked broken rice with shrimp beancurd rolls) is new to the domestic restaurant customers.
So there are different combinations of the rice plate depending upoon how the diner want tocustomize the order.