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Boudin or Boudin noir is a dark-hued blood sausage, containing pork, pig blood, and other ingredients. Variants of the boudin noir occur in French, Belgian, Cajun and Catalan cuisine. The Catalan version of the boudin noir is called botifarra negra. In the French Caribbean, Cajun it is known as boudin Créole.

Where Acadian and Cajun cultures merge, some of the most flavorful foods persist. Boudin is a regional specialty found only in Southern Louisiana.

The traditional  homemade boudin is made with pork, a little pork liver, onions, bell peppers, and cajun seasoning. Its cooked, ground then mixed with rice, green onions, and more cajun seasoning. Finally, the boudin mix is stuffed into a casing. Boudin can be cooked in an oven, on a grill, barbeque pit or boiled in water.