Bahamian fish stew
The stew fish is a classic Bahamian breakfast. Historically, stew fish was made from Turbot – which the American call Queen Triggerfish and Cuban call Cochino. It also has a grand latin name – Balistes Vetula. No matter what we all call it – Turbot is a white fish with a delicious balance of flavor – offering both flakiness, tenderness and moisture when enjoyed in a stew or stew boil. For residents returning to The Bahamas, as soon as the planes touch down, they’ll head to their favorite restaurants for a stew fish or stew burl (aka boil) after a long stint abroad. Some insist their stew be made from Nassau grouper or snapper. These varieties are highly priced and a jaunt at a local fish market has you competing with a high end restaurant or hotel for the daily catch.