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Ayam Percik

Ayam Percik

Nasi Kerabu a traditional Kelantanese dish that oft served with Ayam Percik chicken, which is a favorite food of Kelantan, too.

Firstly, the chicken is marinated in flavorful spices like turmeric, cumin & coriander along with lemongrass and coconutmilk. Normally Ayam Percik is roasted or slowly grilled over a low charcoal fire.

As the chicken is roasted, the marinade caramelizes on the meat lending a delicious coating that will make the chicken so tasteful and full of flavour

Or you can bake it and this helps to make the meat tender then to coat the chicken evenly with chilli gravy and grill it in the oven.

Ayam Percik roasted chicken is traditionally served alongside rice and fresh vegetables or (optionally) salads.