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Alcapurria is basically a fritter made of green bananas and yautia (taro root) and stuffed with meat.  It is  also can be made with yucca (cassava root), which are extra tasty. The dish is a popuplat street food in Puerto Rico; Dominican Republic; Cuba; Panama etc. Alcapurrias are served at kiosks and at fine restaurants, as well.

An alcapurria is wit the dough surrounding the meat, the masa, is made primarily of green banana and grated xanthosoma ("yautía") in most of Puerto Rico. The meat or the mixture of it seasoned with lard, annatto, garlic, and salt. The are many variant of alcapurria depending on the dough.

Other versions on the Caribbean  include cassava, yautía, and seasoning (alcapurria de yuca) and are often stuffed with crab meat.

A mix of green plantains, squash, and yautía masa filled with meat is another popular recipe.

Alcapurrias horneadas (backed alcapurrias) are often made with seasoned masa made from taro (malanga), green banana, and green plantain.

A vegan version of the dish is possible.